
According to HelpAge, Ukraine hosts the oldest humanitarian crisis in the world.

Ukraine has the highest proportion of elderly individuals impacted by conflict inside a single nation globally. 25% of the country’s population is above the age of 60, however in eastern Ukraine, 33% of those requiring aid since the Russian invasion in 2014 are over 60 years old.

Mercy Houses exist to offer financial and physical support while giving companionship to older people experiencing loneliness, medical, and financial challenges.

A disproportionate number of civilians who have stayed in areas of ongoing war are older, and therefore, face a higher danger of death or serious injury. Even those not in the front lines of danger must overcome unique obstacles: many of their families left, many of them are living in ill-equipped temporary shelters, unable to access medications. Their social security pays for some basic needs, but not all.

The Mercy Houses target rural communities that need adequate assistance for their aging population, offering a residential space and day-to-day support.

Currently, there are three residences housing 25 – 50 elderly adults and we hope to continue to grow. 

Our 3rd residence has a separate facility undergoing renovations to accommodate 25 additional elderly inhabitants.


Challenges arise while seeking workers to assist older individuals who may experience limited mobility.

To properly care for our older friends, we require a minimum of two personnel to care for a group of 15 elderly persons. An optimal situation would entail three staff members for every 15 to guarantee these facilities’ seamless functioning.

Additionally, renovation initiatives are currently in progress, which involve a specific site to accommodate 25 individuals above 70.

These projects rely on fundraising efforts to ensure their continuation, with a monthly goal fluctuating between $1,000 and $1,800, depending on the season. Winter months require more supplies to keep our elderly friends warm in the harsh weather.

The third initiative has an initial budget of $36,000, and we are actively seeking ongoing partners to provide financial support.

While individuals are able to contribute to some expenses through social security, further resources are required to cover labor, food, and renovation expenses.

Ukraine’s internally-displaced seniors need your help.

Many of Ukraine’s elderly have no one to assist them. Social security helps with basic needs, but further resources are required to cover individualized care (staff to love, treat, and support them), food, and renovation expenses for housing.

Your donation will go directly to providing care, food, warmth, and shelter.

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LYNC and Partners in Action
Extending ourselves to aid, trusting the sowing will produce healing, restoration, and hope

Houses of Mercy Care for Ukraine's Abandoned Elderly

LYNC's Presence in Ukraine (2023)

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